How To Understand Your 7-9 Year Old

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Here’s an overview for the stages of development of children ages 7 to 9:

They typically have weak fine motor skills therefore proficient technique is not quite there yet. Also, they still tend to stumble when their body is in motion therefore advanced movement is still a little sloppy.
We expect them to initially struggle with great technique in their blocks, strikes, kicks, and stances. We also expect them to initially look sloppy when jumping, spinning, switching feet, etc.
The goal for our program is to get them to perform technical blocks, strikes, kicks, and stances while applying power. Also, our goal is to get them to apply speed to motion without looking sloppy.
They are extremely bright, but they typically have a hard time concentrating during distractions.
We expect them to initially lose focus if there are other, more “interesting” things going on around them. We also expect them to forget simple commands mainly because they try to “over-think.”
The goal for our program is to get them to concentrate on the task at hand despite other distractions. Our goal is to also get them to retain simple information without trying to put excessive thought into it.
They are wonderfully stable and love challenge. However, they will typically show excessive fear when they over-process something.
We expect them to have emotional stability for the most part on normal days. We also expect them to initially show excessive fear when put on the spot.
The goal for our program is to help them persevere through challenges, especially when they initially feel like giving up. We will also help them face their fears.
They love to interact with others, especially adults. However, they typically don’t like when something is unfair and will be determined to point it out and be heard.
We expect them to initially interrupt us when they think something is wrong. We also expect them to show great determination when trying to get their point across.
The goals for our program are to help them know how to address problems and challenges properly without interfering on the overall flow of the class.

Seven to nine-year olds are what most people consider “the golden age.” They are emotionally stable, yet they are not at the age where they want complete independence from adults. This makes the teacher-student relationship stronger than ever.

The problem we discovered is they still lack core skills, and although they are highly proficient in their vocabulary and problem-solving skills, they struggle to keep up with pre-teens and teens in many areas, especially physically.

Below are milestones that the Invincible Juniors Program can help accomplish:

PHYSICAL development milestones:
• Demonstrate TECHNIQUE in blocks, strikes, kicks, and stances while applying SPEED and power.
• Demonstrate AGILITY by applying proper motion to movements without looking sloppy.
• Demonstrate FLEXIBILITY by applying proper mechanics to stretching.
INTELLECTUAL development milestones:
• Demonstrate CONCENTRATION by focusing on the task at hand despite other distractions.
• Not give up on tasks that initially appear difficult.
• Retain simple information without trying to put excessive thought into it.
EMOTIONAL development milestones:
• Show INTENSITY in their efforts, even on basic tasks.
• PERSEVERE through challenges, especially when they initially feel like giving up.
• Show COURAGE by facing their fears when trying something new.
SOCIAL development milestones:
• Address problems and challenges properly without interfering on the overall flow of the class.
• Keep trying hard and control their emotions, especially when they do not get their way.
• Demonstrate the desire to be the best, not because they want to hurt others feelings, but because they want to improve as an individual.
By understanding the milestones of this age group, we can then provide drills and curriculum that properly target their stage of development to generate MAXIMUM results. At the same time, we can translate the benefits of the drills and curriculum to real life results.


About Invincible Worldwide
Invincible Worldwide’s mission is to empower people to be physically, mentally and socially extraordinary. Alan La, founder of Invincible Worldwide is an International Sports Karate Association Hall-of-Famed Martial Artist, Best-Selling Author, Speaker and Young Australian of the Year finalist. Together with his team, they provide world-class physical and mindset training programs, seminars and performances for people all over the world.  

More specifically, Alan and his team have developed a unique award-winning Invincible Juniors program which fuses martial arts, acrobatics and leadership skills to empower young kids to be physically and mentally prepared for success in life and in school. 

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Get started with your an Invincible training routine from the comfort of your own home.

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