“I love to eat. My family loves to eat. But this challenge taught me a new healthy lifestyle and taught me a lot of new things.”

Paul’s Life-Changing Transformation: From Junk Food to Fitness Inspiration

Meet Paul, who took on our 6-Week Challenge that completely transformed his life.

Before starting, Paul loved unhealthy foods and struggled to stay consistent with fitness. But something sparked in him when he signed up for the challenge, and he quickly shifted gears from junk food to a focused fitness journey that not only changed his life but inspired his entire family.

The Journey:

Before the challenge, Paul’s diet was filled with unhealthy choices. But as soon as he committed to the six-week program, he became excited about losing weight and gaining muscle.

His family saw his dedication and jumped on board with him, making it a shared journey.

Together, they began shopping for healthier food, which not only improved their health but also saved them money.

Results and Impact:

Paul lost an incredible 11kg during the challenge, which motivated his aunt and uncle to lose join the challenge as well.

The transformation wasn’t just physical. Paul’s outlook on life changed too. He overcame self-doubt and found joy in the supportive community at Invincible HQ.

Why It Worked:

The six-week challenge gave Paul a clear goal to focus on, while the encouragement of his family and the Invincible HQ community pushed him to stay committed.

The tangible results not only boosted his morale but also inspired those around him to join his fitness journey.

Paul’s transformation is proof that with the right mindset, support, and structure, anyone can make lasting changes. Are you ready to take on the challenge and inspire your family like Paul did?

CLICK HERE for more information about our 6-Week Optimised Body Challenge


We are a new breed of athletes who train to be physically and mentally extraordinary, to perform at our best in every aspect of life. We are not just martial artists, or gym junkies, or crossfit, we train to be high quality humans with 4 important qualities – STRENGTH, SKILLS, MINDSET and a desire to INSPIRE others.

Invincible HQ, founded by Alan La, runs unique transformation programs to improve one’s physical capabilities of speed, power, strength, skill and flexibility. The programs draw influence from traditional and modern martial arts, fitness and sport science. Invincible HQ is based in Sydney, Australia.

Ready to start your own transformation? Click here to get a Training Pass today!