(This is a long post, but it’s worth it 🙂 ) A Harvard study, ran by the Making Caring Common project, found that about 80 percent of the youth in the study said their parents were more concerned with their achievement or happiness than whether they cared for...
Here are 9 things you should say to your kids every day 🙂 “I love you”. Say it to them as often as you like “I like it when you.” Talk about positive aspects of their behaviour “You make me happy.” This makes them feel...
Bravery is a tough concept these days. It seems we are also being told to be extra sensitive and aware, but rarely are we really encouraged, let alone taught, to be brave. Courage definitely has its place though, and it is our job to help our kids develop a healthy...
As a parent, your biggest enemy by far is negative peer pressure. Notice the word “negative.” There is such a thing as positive peer pressure – when good friends talk your child out of doing something stupid. But, negative peer pressure can destroy everything you’ve...
It goes without saying that parents want to protect their children from harm, and see them develop into healthy, happy adults. It is therefore very distressing to witness the affect that bullying can have on a child. The most important thing to remember is that with...
Having Excellence means producing quality work, having high standards for yourself, and having pride in what you do. Here are 10 Tips for Teaching Excellence to Your Kids 🙂 According to Vicki Caruana’s book, Giving Your Child the Excellence Edge, parents play an...