How To Eat Clean And Maximise Your Protein

How To Eat Clean And Maximise Your Protein

In this video, you will discover: The 3 Main Categories of Protein Sources What Is High Quality Protein And How It Improves Your Training How Caloric Costs Affect Your Results How To Prioritise Your Meals For Maximum Protein At The Lowest Caloric Cost Protein is...
How To Build Solid Foundations In Any Technique

How To Build Solid Foundations In Any Technique

When I first started martial arts over 20 years ago, my training sessions consisted a lot of repetitions, practising forms, drilling the same movements over and over for hours. I never gave a thought WHY I was doing all this drilling. But it wasn’t until many...
How To Have A Strong Punch

How To Have A Strong Punch

Have you ever wanted to have a strong punch without relying solely on muscle? There are five components to punching power that must be present for a puncher to be considered truly powerful: 1. Lack of arm punching 2. Proper weight shifting 3. Stepping during a punch...
How to Overcome Self-Doubt

How to Overcome Self-Doubt

Everyone feels self-doubt at least every once in a while. However, high achievers overcome their self-doubt, while low achievers wallow in it and allow their self-doubt to prevent them from achieving their goals. Self-doubt sounds like the following: “I’m not sure I...
How The BEAR Program Works

How The BEAR Program Works

The BEAR Program is designed for those looking to get fit and strong, but are tired and bored of fad gyms. We teach you in detail all movements from the proper push-up to impressive moves like the Muscle-Up! The program caters to your fitness level.  Book your first...