Front Kick Block | P3MA QUICK TIP #6

Front Kick Block | P3MA QUICK TIP #6

The Front Kick Block is both an offensive and defensive technique. It relies on the strong conditioning of the hands to be able to block a front kick and at the same time cut into the shins of the opponent. IMPORTANT TIPS: – Apply the knife hand: thumbs tucked in,...
Shaolin Tiger Block | P3MA SKILLS TRAINING #5

Shaolin Tiger Block | P3MA SKILLS TRAINING #5

The Tiger Block is a powerful block from Shaolin Kung Fu. This particular drill is from Wu Chu Chuan Kung Fu, and uses the solidity of the conditioned forearms to defend the attack. When the wrist is pulled back, the forearm muscles tense to increase power. IMPORTANT...
Punchblock Speed Drill | P3MA SKILLS TRAINING #4

Punchblock Speed Drill | P3MA SKILLS TRAINING #4

The partnered Punchblock Drill is commonly used in various Chinese martial arts such as Wing Chun and Shaolin Kung Fu to practice hand coordination, reflexes, speed and conditioning. The drill contains 2 blocks followed by a parry and punch. In a real situation, the...
Speed Strike | P3MA SKILLS TRAINING #3

Speed Strike | P3MA SKILLS TRAINING #3

For this week’s P3MA Skill, we have the Speed Strike! The Speed Strike, also known as the Lightning Finger Jab, is a fast strike at a desired target before the opponent can react. In training, it is used to develop quickness and non-telegraphy skills. In self-defence,...
Isometric Kicks | P3MA SKILLS TRAINING #2

Isometric Kicks | P3MA SKILLS TRAINING #2

For this week’s P3MA Skill Training, we have the Isometric Kicks Drill! It’s a great drill that we use to improve our kicking control, muscle memory and pin-point technique. TRAINING: – 10 reps on each Leg x 3 sets. Hold each position for 2 seconds....
Explosive Palm Power | P3MA SKILLS TRAINING #1

Explosive Palm Power | P3MA SKILLS TRAINING #1

This week, we have the Explosive Palm Power Skill! It’s a great drill to practice explosive power with minimal motion. The difference between this movement and a direct push is that it requires less effort and motion, yet generates more shock and explosiveness...