The 3 Levels of Mastery | ALPHA MINDSET SERIES

The 3 Levels of Mastery | ALPHA MINDSET SERIES

“How you do one thing is how you do everything…” If you want to achieve higher results in anything that you do, whether it be training, studying, working or even playing a game, here’s a framework that helps to guide you to perform on an...


The JKD Punch is a fast, powerful and unconventional punch that you add to your arsenal.   IMPORTANT TIPS: – Stay relaxed until the very final moment of impact. It is like a whip. Everything is relaxed to maximize speed, and everything tenses to maximize...
The Triangle Theory In Blocking | P3MA SKILLS TRAINING #9

The Triangle Theory In Blocking | P3MA SKILLS TRAINING #9

The triangle is the strongest shape. In Wing Chun, this shape is applied into blocking to maximise the strength and stability through structure.   IMPORTANT TIPS: – Focus on blocking into your opponent’s center line to cut into their attack and force them...
The Triangle Theory In Blocking | P3MA SKILLS TRAINING #9

The Leading Punch | P3MA SKILLS TRAINING #8

The Leading Punch is the main punch used in Jeet Kune Do. It is a direct, fast and powerful punch thrown from the front hand. It relies on relaxation and a quick snap for speed. It generates power from the torque of the hips, timing and leverage from the rear foot....
The Triangle Theory In Blocking | P3MA SKILLS TRAINING #9

Straight Punch Block | P3MA SKILLS TRAINING #7

The Straight Punch Block is used to counter a direct punch with a side step, a block and a punch – all in one movement. STEPS: 1. Wu Sau block (Palm Block) the punch with the same side hand 2. Side-step to 45 degrees with your back foot and Tan Sau block (Spear...